

Franconica is available in German and English. You can switch between the languages by clicking on "en" or "de" at the top right of your browser.

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Franconica offers you several ways to discover our digital stock. You can either browse our collections and compilations, which we offer you, for example, on the homepage, or conduct a specific search.


You can explore the part of our offer that is most interesting to you by clicking on the corresponding tab on the homepage (manuscripts, incunabula, ...).
Or you can let yourself drift through our compilations, which we have put together for you, regardless of the publication form. Simply click on a compilation tile on the home page or get an overview of all our compilations by clicking on "Discover".


If you are looking for a specific object or researching a topic and would like to know if there are any media in Franconica on this subject, use our search.

General tips for searching

Write one or more search terms in the search slot and click on the magnifying glass or press "Enter".
There is no distinction between upper and lower case.
Diacritical characters (e.g. à) and German umlauts (ä, ö, ü,) are returned to their base letter, i.e. à → a, ä → ae, ö → oe, ü → ue. Furthermore ß → ss applies, that means ß and ss are not differentiated in a search query.


As a result of your search query, you will receive a list of all results with a preview image. Here you can narrow down your results.
The filters "Title", "Author" and "Date" are available. You can combine these with your originally entered search terms as you wish using Boolean operators. You can enter the Boolean operators in the search slot by yourself or you can use the offered drop-down list (and, or).
By using the filters, you do not create a new search, but "filter" your previous results.
Faceting allows you to narrow down your results even more. Simply click on a facet that matches your criteria. Click on the facet again to deactivate it.
Boolean operators:
AND: If you combine terms with AND, you will get results in which both terms occur.
OR: If you combine terms with OR, you will get results that contain at least one of the two terms.

Professional search

Phrase search:
With the phrase search, you can search for a specified sequence of words. To do this, place your search in inverted commas, e.g. "Dom zu Würzburg" or "Festung Marienberg".
To take into account different spellings of a term, you can use wildcards. They can be set for any character.
The asterisk (*) stands for any number of characters. For example, a search query for würzburg* will also return results with würzburger, würzburgs, etc. The queries in the search slot on the start page are automatically marked with an * at the end of the word. When filtering, you have to enter the * yourself if you wish to use it .
The question mark (?) stands for exactly one character, so the query manus?ript will find results for both manuscript and manuskript.
Shelfmark search:
You can also search Franconica directly for a specific shelfmark. Simply enter the shelfmark in the search field. Please note that you will only get correct results if you enter the shelfmark exactly and pay attention to dots, spaces etc. (e.g. Delin.VI,6,39  without spaces, with Roman and Arabic numerals, with full stops and commas!) You can of course also use wildcards within this type of search.

Individual display of titles

If you click on a result, you will be taken to the individual view. There are three tabs: "Information", "Description" and "Metadata". Next to the tabs you will see the viewer with the digitised object, above it you will always find a short information about the object, including the IIIF manifest file and the DOI.


On the right side of the viewer you can see the most important metadata by clicking on "More Information". At the bottom right you can set the viewer to full screen. With the buttons at the bottom left you can download the object or share the link to this page.


In the „Information“ tab you will find the short metadata of the object.


In the tab „Description“ you will find a closer description of the object.


In the tab "Metadata" you will find the detailed metadata of the object, if available in TEI or LIDO, which you can download.


IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework) is a standard developed to enable the easiest possible exchange of image-based resources between institutions and for researchers and interested parties. It is based on a set of interfaces that allow objects to be viewed and edited in any IIIF-compliant viewer using the IIIF manifest file. The IIIF technology allows deep, continuous zooming while maintaining high image quality.